Kick Your Mental Health Up a Notch

Tuesday, March 27, 2018 @ 08:03 AM  posted by Dr. Siders

If you read through my blogs, you’ll find various tips for improving your mental health.  Things like:

But these tips are all inside articles dealing with other, more specific topics.  I’ve been wanting to take some time to add more tips to help people cultivate mental health in general.  Some of these tips may seem like common sense to some people, but for others, they might be surprising.  For example:

  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Spend time with friends often.  A strong social support network (in person, not in social media) has been shown to boost mental health
  • Take breaks regularly to refresh your mind
  • Do a hobby or something else you enjoy at least once a week
  • Take time to enjoy small moments, or “live in the moment”

Tips  like that.  Helpful reminders.  And then I saw this article, which does a great job of summarizing many ideas for encouraging mental health.   So I thought I’d share it.  I hope you enjoy it!

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